Wednesday, March 20, 2013


or... What's it All About,  ARNOLD ?

   I have no doubt (in my mind, of course... lol) that some of you reading this blog have had strange things happen to you, that the "rational mind" could not easily explain away...

  Well, in most cases (lol... AGAIN) you aren't certifiable, and you probably haven't been abducted by aliens in the recent past, lol... (OK, I'll stop!)

  Seriously, we ALL have the capacity for experiencing that which is beyond the "normal" idea of existence, but, in many cases, we either have been told it is not possible or not "real", or the ability (or abilities) has been repressed or "damaged", or we are overcome by our own irrational fears.

  Consider, our eyes perceive a VERY narrow segment of the "visible" light spectrum, so much so that if you were to lay out the entire spectrum of light physically on the ground, from New York to L.A., the part we can see would be all of five feet ! (If I did the math correctly, lol) So, what about the other 2,462 miles ?

  Modern "science" has lost its objectivity.

  I can tell you, from my own personal experience, there is much more to all of this than "meets the eye".... 

CLAIRVOYANCE:  The ability to see phenomena that is outside of the "normal" range of sight. This would include the ability to see auras. "Inner" clairvoyance is when one sees within the mind, sometimes called, "telepathic vision", and "outer" clairvoyance is when one sees things present around them in the physical....

CLAIRAUDIENCE:  The ability to hear phenomena that others cannot hear. This often includes things other than humans, like animals or plants. "Inner" clairaudience is when one hears voices or sounds within the head (like telepathy), and outer clairaudience is when one hears voices or sounds around them....

CLAIRSENTIENCE:  The ability to sense or feel beyond one's own self. Very often it manifests as "feeling" the emotions of others....

REMOTE VIEWING:  The ability to perceive events at a distance, sometimes time independent, as in past or future events. This is an extension of the "energy" body to a particular time and/or place....

MIND-READING:  A form of clairvoyance and/or clairaudience where one can read the thoughts of others....

TELEPATHY:  Like mind-reading, but where thoughts are bidirectional (both ways)....

TELEKINESIS:  (Psychokinesis) The ability to move or alter physical objects without actually touching them....

PRECOGNITION:  (Claircognizance, Prophecy) The ability to be aware (on some level) of future events while in the present....

PSYCHOMETRY:  (Clairtangency) The ability to receive information from solid objects, usually thru touch....

PYROKINESIS:  The ability to heat physical objects with only thought....

LEVITATION:  (Transvection) The ability to negate the effect of gravity on oneself or another object....

DIVINATION:   Relying on ritual and/or insight. Example:  Dowsing....

MEDIUMSHIP:  The ability to "receive" messages from those who are not incarnate, presented either verbally or thru "automatic writing"....

CHANNELING:  Mediumship where one sets one's own spirit aside and allows the entry of another spirit into one's body for the purpose of communication...

BILOCATION:  The ability to appear in two or more places at the same moment in time....

APPORTATION:  (Manifestation, Materialization) The ability to materialize, dematerialize, or teleport oneself or an object....

TELEPORTATION:  The ability to transport oneself or another object, temporally and/or physically.... (see apportation)

SHAPE-SHIFTNG:  (Morphing) The ability to alter one's physical body....

CLAIRGUSTANCE:  The ability to taste something without actually eating it....

CLAIRALIENCE:  The ability to smell something which others cannot....

CLAIRCOGNIZANCE:  Knowing something that was not in your present conscious awareness, like understanding a foreign language you are not familiar with....

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